Akileaf's avatar


Lets welcome chaos
29 Watchers39 Deviations

Busy busy busy!

2 min read
Yes, I'm still alive!
Its been almost two years since I wrote my last journal 0.o SCARY that is! I'm always so busy , its the last thing I remember to do.. But hey, being busy means that I'm living right ? Man, with everyday I learn more and more and I just love life more and more every day, every second!
I've been exploring my criativity more in other areas, not only because I haven't much time but also because I'm letting my mind go a little further ^^
But yeah, I'm happy ...
I plan to write a lot more here, and show you guys what I've been up to in the last 2 years ^^

just going to feature some people in here, so that this journal actully has something  interesting ^^'
Here are my 5 features of today:

1 - Porcelain frome Dona Rita :icondonarita: donarita.deviantart.com/art/po…

2 -  If you believed they put a man by ~Vrune :iconvrune: vrune.deviantart.com/art/If-yo…

3 -  the Green Life by ~unclewiddie :iconunclewiddie: unclewiddie.deviantart.com/art…

4 -  Grass by *RohanElf :iconkatartillustrations: rohanelf.deviantart.com/art/Gr…

5 -  A hole in the heart by ~Merrick1 :iconmerrick1: fav.me/d1l7xy1

Hope you enjoy it ^^,

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This is a journal only to Portuguese 'cause I don't feel like translating everything ><

ora bem pessoal, aqui está um "questionário" interessante que eu furtei á :iconscary-missmary:

Te formaste na Faculdade
Fumaste cigarros
Ficaste inconsciente de bêbedo
Foste a todas as diversões de um parque
Coleccionaste algo mesmo idiota X
Foste a um concerto de rock X
Dançaste numa discoteca
Seguiste alguém no metro ou na rua porque o/a achaste interessante
Viste quatro filmes numa noite X
Passaste 3 dias ou mais sem dormir
Mentiste a alguém X
Acabaram um namoro contigo
Alguém te encornou
Cheiraste cocaína
Te baldaste a uma aula
Fumaste ganza
Estiveste num acidente de carro
Estiveste num tornado
Usaste drogas pesadas
Viste alguém morrer
Estiveste num funeral X
Ardeste um bocado de cabelo
Correste numa maratona X
Voltaste de uma saída com um buraco de cigarro na roupa
Tiveste os pais divorciados X
Choraste até adormecer X
Gastaste mais de 200€ num único dia X (computador, máquina fotográfica,...)
Voaste num avião X
Engataste alguém X
Foste engatado/a X
Escreveste uma carta de dez páginas
Fizeste ski
Cortaste uma parte do corpo propositadamente
Tiveste um melhor amigo X
Perdeste alguém que amavas X
Roubaste algo de uma loja
Estiveste na prisão
Foste suspenso
Foste culpado por algo que não fizeste X
Roubaste livros de uma livraria
Foste a outro país X
Abandonaste a escola
Estiveste num hospital psiquiátrico
Leste um livro do Harry Potter X
Viste um filme do Harry Potter X
Tiveste um diário online
Disparaste uma arma
Jogaste num casino
Participaste numa peça de escola X
Foste despedido
Nadaste com golfinhos
Beijaste alguém do sexo oposto X
Beijaste alguém do mesmo sexo
Escreveste um poema X
Votaste no BB/Operação triunfo/Ídolos
Telefonaste para o Toca a Ganhar
Leste mais de vinte livros num ano
Amaste alguém que não podias ter X
Ficaste confuso acerca da tua sexualidade X
Usaste um livro de pintar depois dos 12 anosX
Fizeste uma cirurgia
Levaste pontos (quantos?) X- 3 ou 4
Te fartaste de esperar pelo metro/autocarro e apanhaste um táxi
Tiveste algum problema com álcool ou drogas
Participaste numa luta X
Sofreste qualquer forma de abuso
Pintaste o cabelo
Fizeste uma tatuagem
Fizeste um piercing
Tiraste só notas 20
Estiveste entre os melhores alunos da escola X
Foste mandado para um psicólogo
Foste algemado
Conheceste alguém com HIV ou SIDA
Tiraste fotos com uma webcam X
Começaste/ias começando um incêndio
Deste uma festa quando os pais não estavam em casa
Foste apanhado na alínea anterior
Fizeste amigos na net e conheceste-os ao vivo X
Namoraste alguém conhecido na net X
Fizeste várias tags como esta só para passar o tempo X

se quizeres estás "tagado" xD
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Quiz ! xD

3 min read
(x) You love hoodies.
(x) You love jeans.
( ) Dogs are better than cats.
( ) It's hilarious when people get hurt.
(x) You've played with/against boys on a team.
( ) Shopping is torture.
( ) Sad movies suck.
( ) You own an X-Box.
(x) Played with Hot-Wheel cars as a kid.
( ) At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
(x) You own a DS, PS2 or Sega.
( ) You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
(x) You watch sports on TV. ( I watch the Olympics XD LOVE IT)
( ) Gory movies are cool.
(x) You go to your dad for advice.
( ) You own like a trillion baseball caps.
( ) You like going to football games.
( ) You used to/do collect baseball cards.
( ) Baggy pants are cool to wear.
( ) It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
(x) Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
(x) You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
( ) Sports are fun.
(x) Talk with food in your mouth.(not talk, awful maners)
(x) Wear boxers.
( ) Wear your pants low.
Boy Points: 8


( ) You wear lip gloss.
( ) You love to shop.
( ) You wear eyeliner.
(x) You have some of the same shirts in different colors.
( ) You wear the color pink.
( ) Go to your mom for advice.
( ) You consider cheerleading a sport.
( ) You hate wearing the color black. (I LOVE wearing it)
( ) You like hanging out at the mall.
( ) You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
( ) You like wearing jewelry.
( ) Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
( ) Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
( ) You don't like the movie Star Wars.
(x) You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.(gymnastic acrobatic)
(x) It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories. (I rarely wear make-up)
(x) You smile a lot more than you should.
( ) You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
(x) You care about what you look like. (everybody does at some point -.- not only girls)
( ) You like wearing dresses when you can.
(x) You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.(sometimes)
(x) You wear girl underwear.
(x) Used to play with dolls as little kid.
( ) Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
( ) Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell
Girl points: 8

8 of boy 8 of girl :P yay xD
anyone who wants to do it , go ahead xD

EDIT: correction : 11 boy , 8 girl ... WTF I'M A GUY ???? xD man ...
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Updates !!! ^^

3 min read
hey everyone ^^

in this journal :
- How weird am I result
- Complaining show
- Random updates
- Art related

How weird am I
Just a quiz I made xD and the results are ... *drums*


I'm 60% weird muhahahhaha
what about that ?? xD I guess I get weirder with the age .. xD

- complaining show

Don't you just hate when somebody has than "incredible moral" that when knows about someone who has something suspicious going one, just starts complaining that someone without solid information?? instead of asking , and if still thinking its suspicious, reporting to DA staff, they just start making this convo on the persons page, bringing into it even more attention , starting calling names and insulting their art. C'mon!!If you hate it so much just report it and finish with all that hate !! if somebody really did something, DA staff will take care of it !! and if it still feel made about it, right a journal complaining! like some other people did -.-
When I first came to DA I didn't remember so much hate between  deviants! It has come to a point where not only they start insulting each others, they start insulting each other arts too! and this is not the first situation I've seen around here! I won't say any names, 'cause I'm tired of this sh*t and its enough with the hate around it -.-.

Infraction ? , just report

Random updates

So school and exams are finished. I had so much work before it finished than I can't even put it in words how relieved I am right now. I'm moving to another house in some months, meaning I will move from school ... I'll miss my friends and teachers, but I'm really needing a fresh new start.
Since I'm on vacation, I decided to go on with my projects and stuff I can't do the rest of the year:

- Developing my OCs and the history
- Practicing Drawing
- the traveling project
- get fresh and sleep as much as I need too xD

I really am lucky, I might have gone through some problems, but I can't complain anyone else for me being naive and (later) too suspicious. But we have to learn from our own mistakes right? anyway xD good luck me starting over.

In the past week I have been with the deadly art block disease   -.- on the other hand, I've been having the most original dreams ever xD lucky me again

- Art related

so, as I said, right now I am with art block, but before that "ill" invaded my brain, I had been practicing xD hope I can continue in short time ...
Also, I've been posting some photos I took. Hope you like them ^^

- Feature

just a little feature :

leocbrito has amazing photos!!
just check the leocbrito.deviantart.com/art/A…

also, merrick1 has been improving a lot

cheers for her xD (go go sara!)

thanks for reading ^^

^^ hope you enjoy it :)
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New account

1 min read
So, this is my new account ^^, my previous account was punkprincess181 (don't ask why)

Akileaf means autumn leaf.
Don't feel like wrighting much today.
Thanks for reading ;)
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Busy busy busy! by Akileaf, journal

TAG- mas nao e da optimos .. by Akileaf, journal

Quiz ! xD by Akileaf, journal

Updates !!! ^^ by Akileaf, journal

New account by Akileaf, journal